Kitty: PURRRR. I'm here!
Chuffy: [Waves] Hello Kitty. Welcome!
Sammy Seal: I'm here too!
Chuffy: [Waves] Hello Sammy. Welcome!
Kitty: It's working fine then.
Chuffy: Yes, its working.
Ratty the T-M: So this is where you all are! Hi.
Chuffy: [Waves] Hello Ratty. Welcome!
Sammy Seal: Hi Ratty!
Ratty the T-M: Hi Sammy!
Chuffy: We have a new server up - la.de.outlaw.uk
Kitty: Oh good! Well done Chuffy.
Ratty the T-M: VERY well done Chuffy!
Swannee: So this is where you all are? What a lovely place!
Kitty: Hi Swannee. Do you like my cushion?
Swannee: I love your cushion. Do you like my new river?
Kitty: I love your river. Does it have fish?
Swannee: Some lovely trout, but No Haddock!
Chuffy: [chuckles]
Ratty the T-M: No haddock.
Chuffy: Well, maybe the occasional haddock..
Hetty Hen: Is it time for a vote?
Kitty: I prefer fish - a nice fresh sardine would go down well.
Chuffy: VERY well [chuckles]
Mrs Chuffy: well well well [smiles sweetly]
Troll: [trip trap] B******s!!!
Sammy Seal: Oh! Here is a troll!
Kitty: Have you got any fish, Mr Troll?
Sammy Seal: I'll prod him with my fishing rod [prod]
Troll: F*** off!
Ratty the T-M: Oh, one of those rude trolls.
Swannee: Just keep him away from my lovely river.
Kitty: Oh, I hate draughts. Close the door on your way out, Mr Troll.
Troll: F***ing Bonkers, the lot o' you.
Chuffy: Bye Mr Troll. Thanks for calling.
Swannee: Has he gone?
Chuffy: Yes, that got rid of that troll. Sammy prodded him with his fishing rod.
Blather: Well done Sammy. And good news everyone: my test from alt.gossip.dorset.uk has arrived!
Ratty the T-M: Good to have a post from alt.gossip.dorset.uk
Kitty: Do they have fish in Dorset?
Sammy Seal: Maybe smoked haddock. In Dorset.
Kitty: I can never make my mind up about smoked haddock. Maybe just a small portion, preferably poached.
Swannee: Not from my river, I hope. I don't like trolls on my lovely banks tickling my trout.
Kitty: Now that is a good idea.
Tiffen: I like strawberry jam. Does anyone else like strawberry jam?
Chuffy: OK all. Who likes strawberry jam?
Mrs Chuffy: I like strawberry jam - lots of it.
Zebedee: Oh, yes from me.
Mrs Chuffy: I've changed my mind. I don't like strawberry jam. It gives me terrible wind.
Swannee: The wind blows down my river. It blows in the reeds and makes music, like a lyre.
Troll: Who are you calling a f***ing liar?
Chuffy: [waves] You are back, Mr Troll. You must like it here.
Troll: F*** Off, Pillock.
Chuffy: Oh,go away then.
Mrs Chuffy: well, I'm going to hit my pillow. Good night, everyone.
Sammy Seal: Nite Nite
Panda: Nite. I've only just got here. I have to work tomorrow
Chuffy: AAARRGH!
Kitty: Just give him some haddock.
Swannee: Not from my river. There are no haddock in my lovely river.
Hetty Hen: Nite Nite
Kitty: Sweet Dreamy-byes!
And goodnight, Everyone.