Monday, September 29, 2008

Money isn't working...

"The City of London underwent the "Big Bang" of deregulation in 1986 that
helped expand the financial services sector, create scores of thousands of
jobs and enhanced upward mobility for classes of workers that had
traditionally experienced a glass ceiling in the City..."

Margaret Thatcher: Radical visionary who rescued Britain. Daily Telegraph, April 2008
full article here

New Labour took up Maggie's torch and carried it well.

Peter Mandelson: "We are intensely relaxed about people getting filthy rich".

And now there's another blue queue at the trough.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Is the future Conservative?

"New Labour has created a more individualised and wealthier society, but not a freer or more equal one. And now the party lacks a vision that can challenge the Tory revival.

It is time for the left to take on the New Tories. This challenge cannot be separated from the need to address the problems facing post-New Labour social democracy. By critically engaging with Cameron's Conservatives the left can rethink its principles and renew itself".

- Jon Cruddas and Jonathan Rutherford, New Statesman, September 2008.

Full article here

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Do the Super-Rich matter?

"It's the controversy that is becoming symbolic of a wider debate about the future direction of the UK. Should we be 'intensely relaxed' about the superrich, as Peter Mandelson claimed?

Or are they symptomatic of something fundamentally wrong with Britain? Do the Super-Rich Matter? forensically analyses the impact the wealthiest are having on our wellbeing. It reveals an economy increasingly skewed to serve the interests of a tiny minority and a society losing touch with a basic sense of fairness.

Uniquely, Do the Super-Rich Matter? proposes a bold programme to address these worrying trends".

- briefing paper and pamphlet download here

Monday, September 08, 2008

