Monday, July 31, 2006

My Dad

Though in what seems like a different world
My Dad sounds like your dad.
He took me and my brother aside one day,
Which was a big thing.
What was he going to say?

“Drop the odd ‘Sir’ now and then”
Well, I have ignored that.

“Keep in touch with the lads”
By this he meant keep going to the pub
Even after you have married/settled down
- This was something HE didn’t do.

“Look after Number One”
Which was good coming from HIM
- He looked after our Mammy,
Though she sometimes forgot that

He also looked after numbers
Four, Three, Two – and me.
So ‘Thank You’, Dad
For looking after ‘numero uno’

Yo Blair

UN delays peacekeeping action
A Downing Street spokesman, travelling with the prime minister in California, said Mr Blair was "disappointed" by the UN decision.
Guardian, 31st July 2006

Well, how would you like it, Mr Blair, if you were shelled all day and then bombed into oblivion.,,1831067,00.html

Israel & Middle East

A clear and powerful piece by Gerald Kaufman today. He refers to "ultimate buffoons like Ehud Olmert and George Bush" - he could have added Tony Yo-Yo Blair to the list.

Sunday, July 30, 2006


you know when you hear too much noise
round the little speakers in your ears
so you turn up the volume

well that’s what Blair does
turns up the screams ‘n thuds of war
no need to stop the fun

“Being lifted above the throng by war was an exhilarating experience for Blair. He responded physically, sleeping even less than before and plunging with gusto into hours of military planning meetings and conversations with other leaders. His Cabinet thought him leaner, hungrier, tougher….He was more like the obsessed power-manipulator, convinced of his mission and impatient with the fainthearts….Blair was certainly in the grip of a powerful belief and although prey to the worries that come with war was enjoying himself hugely”.
James Naughtie, Rivals Blair and Brown: The Intimate Story of a Political Marriage [Fourth Estate, 2001]

Saturday, July 29, 2006


about the future

Global Chess

White pawn to K4
Black pawn to Q8
White arms to Iraq
Black to Q5
White – De Clerk
Black - Mandela
White knight takes pawn
Black bishop takes gay bishop
White bishop condemns
Black knight condoms
Israel takes high settlements
Palestinians live in shit
White ‘en passant’
Black 9/11
White Orthodox defence
Black self-detonates
White - castles
Black - resigns

“Computer: replay, reverse sides”.
“Error: insufficient memory -
press to restart”.

triangulation of ignorance

for the record
in a 3 sided square
the sum of the arguments
on any 2 sides
is equal to that on side B


I’ve had it up to here with
God and the Devil
To laugh me a last time