Tuesday, December 19, 2006


Bright, clear, cold.

Closing the front gate,

there was a youngish black guy,

standing on next door’s steps.

He caught my eye,

came down.

“I know you’re just going out

but can I give you something to read?”

“Not if about Jehovah’s Witnesses”.

He almost smiled.

“Is it The Bible or Jehovah’s Witnesses

you don’t like?”

I just muttered “Jehovah”, felt a little rude,

added, “No offence”

and turned away.

There were two others knocking at the house

on the other side.

I strode off in the crisp air to buy

earrings for my daughter, presents for two

friends at school.

And I fancied some good smoked bacon,

The sort that doesn’t go watery in the pan.

So you can see I did have much better

things to do with my time.

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