Saturday, February 02, 2008

Tao of Pooh

I searched for laughter in TaoDeJing,
but the nearest I could find was slaughter.

I searched for fun in TaoDeJing,
but the nearest match was funeral.

But the Tao of Pooh is a bit lighter:
"When you discard arrogance, complexity, and a few, other things that get in
the way, sooner or later you will discover that simple, childlike, and
mysterious secret known to those of the Uncarved Block: Life is Fun."


Anonymous said...

Hi O,

Knowing nothing of the TaoDejing I followed your lead and searched it for "hope".

I was pleasantly surprised to find this:

"Belief is a colourful hope or fear, The beginning of folly."

hope all is well with you


Oliver said...

Hi L,

I know nothing about TaoDejing either - just following a line for an online argument. I agree with you about the wording.

Good to hear from you. Hope all is well with you too.

By the way, you must have mixed feelings when you post up current stuff and then get comments from the 'old days' - but I'm sure you get plenty of positive feedback in any case. Well deserved too!


Anonymous said...

An inherent flaw in blogs is the implication that only the latest posts are relevant and therefore, by extension, blogs imply that what happened in the past has no bearing on the present (a popular view).

So I'm happy for people to comment on the older posts because most of them remain relevant.

I'm intrigued at how the really difficult posts are largely not commented on and I do wish people would stick to the point - but you can't have everything.

I get a lot of comments from people who have clearly not examined their "beliefs" and, upset to find those beliefs punctured, manage to "shout" that I'm wrong but can't say how and so, rely on varying degrees of abuse.

In any event, I'm just pissing in the wind out of habit, infected with the quaint hope that a hint of critical thinking might be of use in helping our race (the human race) achieve some kind of appropriate maturity.

Clearly a ludicrous notion, but we "wise men" (homo sapiens) are a ludicrous species.

Oliver said...

I was referring to the occasional comments on your music rather than your blog.

Homo sapiens does seem a bit of a mis-nomer. Though there are a few interesting debates going on at the moment e.g. Faith meets Science. Will Galileo make it into the semi's this time?