Saturday, November 29, 2008

Audio slideshow: Brunel's achievements revisited

"It is 150 years since the death of Robert Howlett - the young photographer who took this iconic image of engineer Isambard Kingdom Brunel.

"Robert Howlett died - in December 1858 - from a fever, most likely caused by exposure to the poisonous photographic chemicals that he used.

"Intrigued by how the Brunel photograph was created, photojournalist David White set out - using non toxic methods - to recreate some of Howlett's images.

"With a specially-made camera, he travelled across south and west England to view Brunel's extensive legacy".

Story and slideshow here


Anonymous said...

Oliver THANKS for featuring Paul Kerleys excellent audio slideshow about David's work.

Anonymous said...

Hi O,
When I use your link I get "404-page not found". Went to beeb and found the story and slideshow and it seems to be exactly the same URL. Strange.


Oliver said...

Hi L,
I'd left a space after the url. Working now. Thanks for telling me.