Back In Time
The dashboard navigator said nothing
About red poppies by the A41
Headed west for Wales and Holyhead
And the sterile smoke 'n puke free ferry
Shudders on a radioactive sea
A tubby black guy selling newspapers
Bottle of water dangling from his belt
Jinge jangle on the Royal Canal bank
aged four I dropped a purse with ten coppers down the toilet
My sister fished it out with the black fire tongs
Now she is pleased with her new laptop
New houses sprout by the hundreds where once
Wheat and potatoes grew and so did I
Lace curtained celtic tigered microsoft
Mist shrouds the silted up fishing harbour
Though the sun sets still behind the mountains
Really only hills around the flat bogs
And networks of stone walls flung right across
To cappuccino’d Galway and the Aran Islands
The man with a bike a bull two cows and a calf
Walking along the road the judge said if
He did it again he'd be thrown in jail
And wasn't that Earl Mountbatten bombing
Dreadful and he flying the union jack
And the yellow house with the wild flower grass
Was as far as the broadband went this time
Tore into Israel after the steak why
Did the USA do that sort of thing
I chipped in Barenboim's young orchestra
Sewage from the Israeli settlement
Flows down the Palestinian children
Play in it well they have to go somewhere
A hurried cup of tea 'n see you soon
The woman in the black top files her nails
Anglesey swells over the bow windows again
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