Wednesday, November 01, 2006

A change is as good

sometimes scraping and sanding
are more rewarding
especially outside in the sun
and cutting the grass
at the end of October


Anonymous said...

... as a rest

when the bastard species you cannot escape being
part of da problem, the disease, the virulence strikes
you be just another hapless speck of culpable killer,
destroyer, murderer, collective perpetrator in your own

existence, grabs you by the ankles, drags you deep down
dark shade of black dog, digs you below resistance knowing
this ocean of craven true-man, hue-man absurdity
will never drain away ...

scrape, sand, paint. a table, a wall, a wardrobe. dig
the garden, tidy the book shelves, pile the junk mail garbage
littering tables and chairs of the more and more and more day
into at least neat piles of trash and leave it all; walk

out. find a tree. touch it. get your feet on grass. mind out
for dog, cat, sheep, rabbit, cow. shit. lie down. stick
fingers in your ears. look up. find for at least
a plane free moment a sign
that we don’t exist


you not alone be
comforted and well


Oliver said...

Hi L,
Your comment caught me using Freecycle to off-load
assorted computer geeky bits
a bag of software
pair of football boots, size 7
knife-pleated skirt, size 8
2 Guernsey sweaters, age 7
3 body warmers, age 11
and a photocopier

So, thank you.