Good Morning, Everyone
Lovely outside. Clear, blue, sunny…
Anyone up to having a go this morning?
Driving back from Highbury just now, I had a few ideas….
Tongue-in-cheek fairy tale start:
“One time, not really that long ago, two planes were crashed into two huge tall buildings in the United States. Thousands of innocent people were killed. The men responsible for this were linked to an international terrorist network called Al Queda. Because of this, the United States invaded Iraq. Now, Iraq had nothing much to do with Al Queda. It didn't even have...."
Spoilt for choice here:
Saddam Hussein
– where did he spring from in the first place?
Cruelty and injustice
- on a national scale: inhumane treatment, hanging, torture, lethal injection, Guantanamo, Palestine, roots of extreme Zionism,
Financial corruption
Oil Oil Oil, energy, Enron, Haliburton, Dick Cheney, Bush
Political corruption
“Democracy”, “Freedom”, money, power, engineering ‘the vote’, Florida and the rest.
Costs of war
– lives, money, fear and misery
$340,951,140,814 and rising here
Iraqis now 58 times more likely to die a violent death, Lancet
Estimated civilian “body count” here
US and other western military here 3079
Seriously wounded 10,000
Journalists killed here
You’ll have to draw your own conclusions.
Don't worry - sometimes words fail me too.
General tone
-up to you. You could set it to music – I wouldn’t have a clue, but then I’d never have got a song out of 9 million bicycles in Beijing. Though on a morning like this I could kiss the sky.
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