Saturday, September 09, 2006

At The Bottom Of The Pond

I'm not going in.

Everyone else had gone back after break.
Chris was balanced on the far side of the pond.
An ordinary good looking lad - brown hair
in a fringe, pale slightly freckled face,
high cheekbones and calm hazel eyes.

He threw the first big stone in the pond,
arms stretched straight up,
deliberately holding it for seconds.
A big delayed splash 'n thud
like a depth charge.
He waited until all was well settled down.
Another splash 'n thud.

I tried walking slowly round the pond.
So did he.

When it looked like I had cut off his supply
from the garden rockery,
He started heaving at the end of a garden seat.
I walked back around to the seat.
He walked back to the rockery.

All he said was
I'm not going in
I don't care
Apart from that he was calm;
Even his pale blue anorak looked

Another splash 'n thud

and another

and another

So I said
If you can't come inside, like everyone else,
I'm going to have to phone your dad

I don't care

Another splash 'n thud

Inside and upstairs, on the phone,
the blue jacket was still outside
but then appeared at the office door.

I spoke with dad
said there was a bit of a problem
yes, he would be round shortly
waved Chris towards an easy chair

I sat at my desk, trying to look like there
were more important things to do.

Chris was like a young man in a waiting room
slightly stretched out
looking at the ceiling
occasionally drumming his finger on the
side of the green pvc armchair
scratched the nylon loop carpet

When dad arrived, fit young and friendly,
we three took up our roles
well I have to say he's good at home
aren't you? - little shrug 'n smile
yes he's helpful, just the two of us,
he even cooks sometimes
his mother walked out on us
he doesn't really remember

yes, this is how it goes.
Fine at home, but every so often
I get called up to school
Isn't that right? - little shrug 'n smile

there was a bolster on the bed
I was always on her side
and her side was near the door

the eiderdown was lighter
but warmer
and I would feel a curl and
run it round my finger

morning he had gone
she was back from the bathroom
slapping herself behind with
a little wry laugh

there were two corsets one
for ordinary days a newer one for
Sundays and there was a medal with
a large safety pin
and she must have showed me how the
suspenders worked because I knew

the big wardrobe had an oval
mirror like a clear pool of water
i could see myself in the
bottom bit but when i looked there
was nothing behind

OK Chris, you obviously get on with your dad. You are a fine young man with lots and lots of potential. Your dad and I know you can do well. So how about it - are you going to try?

yeh yeh I suppose

So I'll see you later home for tea...
Little shrug 'n smile - and sits
up a little straighter in his chair.

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